This is…
The deadliest flower to the insect world
Tanacetum cinerariifolium (yes a Daisy)
Protection for insects up to 6 months
1 day with holding
Can be feed to stock tomorrow onwards
Controls all stored grain pests
including phosphine gas resistance strains of
Rice Weevil
Lesser grain borer
Rust-red flour beetle
Saw-toothed grain beetle
Rusty grain beetle
Confused flour beetle
Plodia Moth
Meal worm
For post harvest storage of grains
Store your grain… without feeding the pests
3 litres of Picket to 100 litres of water
Will treat 100 tonnes of Grain
For as little as $5.05 per tonne
Apply it to grain going into storage or being transferred between bins
- Only a 1-day withholding period.
If sprayed today, it can be fed to stock tomorrow onwards - Protection from insects for 3 – 6 months
- A grain protectant which acts like a picket line to keep insects out of the pile!
All the beetles, weevils and grain moths that love to attack stored produce are killed and/or repelled by the application of pyrethrins at 3ppm.
It is applied to the moving grain going into storage at 1 litre of diluted solution per tonne of grain to give 3 – 6 months protection.
Ready for
FREE shipping (Australia wide) to your door